Layout design

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsLayout design
Allie Milbrath asked 5 years ago

When my video is ready to edit i am not given mutliple layout designs to choose from. Why is this?

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

Hi Allie. My guess is your video is vertical?

Our layouts are made by stacking bars above and below your uploaded video. Vertical videos don’t have room to add extra height so there aren’t any layouts to choose from besides just the video.

You can still add headlines and color in the box around the headline with the paint bucket tool.

I have an update coming tomorrow that will size down your vertical video to square or horizontal so you can use other layouts but your video will have the blurred background behind it to fill in the space. So if you can hang on until Tomm, you can give this a go.

But the best option is to shoot horizontal rather than vertical so you can have many layout options without needing to crop or fill in your video.

– Craig

– Craig

Allie Milbrath replied 5 years ago

Got it- thank you Craig!

Craig Staff replied 5 years ago

@Allie Milbrath Just an update, ran into a couple of issues, so that new update hasn’t rolled out yet. Barring any other issues, should be today.
– Craig