Subtitles are exporting tiny

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsSubtitles are exporting tiny
doriedorieclark-com asked 4 years ago

Hi, I have gone through my video and changed the font size to frame it the right size I’d like, but then when I go to “Make” or download, the subtitles come out about 10% of the size that they are in my actual project. How do I make sure the font size exports to the final video to download as the same size I’ve worked out in the project itself?

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 4 years ago

Ok, so your video is ready to download and I am looking into what happened here. Until I sort it out if you see it again just adjust the font size of the subtitle block. This may just be a fluke, as I can’t quite see what happened here. If it happens again, please let me know. A quick fix would be to just slightly adjust the size of the subtitles so it gets re-read.

– Craig