subtitles cut off on IGTV

HelpdeskCategory: Questionssubtitles cut off on IGTV
jackie kickish asked 5 years ago

when i post the video on my FB business page, everything is fine, but when i post to IGTV , the subtitles are cut off and doesn’t look the same…PLEASE HELP ON HOW TO FIX THIS ASAP!!

1 Answers
Craig Staff asked 5 years ago

Hi Jackie.

IGTV only accepts vertical or horizontal videos. They don’t accept square AND when you upload vertical videos, they crop them to square for display in the feed and on Instagram.

(Looks like you might have already figured this out though.)

But the easiest way to handle this is to design your video in the square format.

Then when you are done click SAVE.

Then click COPY up by the SAVE and MAKE buttons and choose the IGTV vertical option.

Then your video will be perfectly set up for IGTV.

I made you a video to show you how:


Let me know how else I can help.

  • Craig