The wrong video is downloading “Sammy – How to Talk to Sellers… 16:9/16:9”

HelpdeskCategory: QuestionsThe wrong video is downloading “Sammy – How to Talk to Sellers… 16:9/16:9”
Johell Aponte asked 4 years ago

I have tried multiple times keeps downloading the last completed file. … I hve clicked Make a bunch of times. Like the product but seems to be glitchy with lengthy videos? It is mp4

Craig Staff replied 4 years ago

@Johell Aponte I want to make sure you are taken care of here asap, but I need more info.

1. Do you mean you make changes and click MAKE, but a previous file is the one that downloads?
2. If not, can you clarify what you do mean?

Also, if you can let me know specifically which videos this is it would help as well. Any other info that will help me diagnose would be great.

Feel free to email me directly at or answer here, either way.

