Do These 3 Things to Look More Confident on Video


Talk Like You Are Chatting with A Good Friend
:52s – 1:09s

Communicate in a Way to Grab Attention
1:52s – 2:11s

People Want Authenticity Above All
2:11s – 2:21s

Embrace the Discomfort Zone
2:22s – 3:06s

Prioritize Voice Projection
3:07s - 3:29s

Amp Up Your Energy On Camera
3:30s – 4:04s

Do What Makes You Comfortable
4:30s - 5:00s

Prepare Your Content Resources For Comfort
5:07s - 5:40s

How To Use A Teleprompter
5:40s - 6:05

What Are Your Video Techniques?
6:22s – 6:42s



How To Look More Confident On Camera

I want to give you three things that you can do to help yourself feel more confident and look better when you make your video content. Making video content may not be something that you feel super comfortable with. Here are some tips that will help you feel more confident when you make your videos, which will allow you to make more video content.

If you are not confident in yourself, if you do not feel good in your own skin or afraid, then you will not make as much online through content because you are not going to want to create video. Coming from experience, I am not too shy when it comes to being on camera, however I can find many excuses not to do it. So let’s talk about some of the days that are difficult to be on camera.

Tip #1 Talk As If You Are Speaking To A Friend

One thing that you can do to help yourself feel more confident when you shoot video content is to talk like you are having an important chat with a good friend. I don’t mean that you are just casual with your buddy watching tv. What I mean by this is that you need to communicate a point, try to argue a point, or you need them to understand a position. However, at the same time, you are still talking with somebody that you know and that you care about. Some people even when trying to do this may not have a strong presence on camera, and that is still okay.

When talking in front of the camera, I don’t feel like you have to perform because this type of video content is really not about doing a show, making a movie, or acting in a play. It is about communicating in a way that grabs people’s attention and by doing so people want that authenticity more than anything else. Relax and talk like you are having an important discussion with a good friend.

Tip #2 Embrace The Discomfort Zone

The second tip will help you be more comfortable and confident when you create video content is to embrace this the discomfort zone and embrace your discomfort zone and then spend some time there. For example, one of the things that I had to do when I did stand-up comedy, was to recognize that I had to push things up a notch. I had to take my presence over the edge just a little bit or else it was not going to look natural when I was on stage.

Often times when somebody gets up on stage, they will maybe do their normal talking voice and they will not project. As a result, it may seem normal for them but, it doesn’t appear normal to the audience. Even though most people will not do any kind of performing or acting, you just need to amp it up a little bit and project more than you normally would.

Do not be afraid of ramping it up to the next level. This will help you appear more natural when you are on camera, and it will make you feel more natural to your viewer. This will show you as being more confident and comfortable on camera.

Tip #3 Do What Is Best For You

To make yourself feel more confident and comfortable on camera, you need to know what is best for! Using prompts, notes, teleprompter, or a screen should be based on your preference.  I have a computer screen and I use a slide show that you can see on the video, but it also helps me feel organized and confident.

The reason I choose this method is because when the slideshow is not on screen for you, it is always on screen for me. Not only that but, I use this as my prompt for the video. Knowing myself, I am far less comfortable using a teleprompter. I don’t want to have a teleprompter that forces me to say everything word for word.

Some people are not comfortable “off the cuff” like this and some people need a teleprompter. Do what is comfortable for you. If you need a teleprompter, try your best to utilize it as a tool to help you communicate without just reading it straight. None of us are a huge fan of somebody reading to them. If we don’t do that with people in our real lives, then this will come off as disingenuous.


I hope these three things have helped you become even more confident on camera! I’d love to hear if you have your own techniques for making yourself feel better on camera or more confident. did you used to not be that strong at it and now you’ve improved?

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