Hi!  If you are needing help with your ClipScribe membership or videos, please take a look at the following items first!

Account Management 
Account management is self-serve.  You can modify, upgrade, downgrade or cancel your account at anytime.
You can do this anytime by logging in and clicking My Account.  Please note, we don't cancel accounts via email request, so please use the account management area to manage your account as needed.
Please read our membership FAQ if you have questions about how each membership plan works.

Membership Questions
If you have a membership and have questions about the terms of your membership, cancellations, our refund policy, and other related details, click here.  https://clipscribe.com/managing-your-clipscribe-account/

Technical Video Questions
If you are having any issue with a video, your the best way to get assistance is to click the lifesaver icon  either on the thumbnail you see on your My Uploads page or in the video editor.  This will instantly open up a technical support ticket and provide us with the technical details we need to help you quickly.

Password Reset
You can reset your password via our login page: https://clipscribe.com/login/  If you forgot your email, or think you entered the wrong email address when you signed up, please first check your spam and then submit a helpdesk ticket.

HelpdeskCategory: Questions
Splitting Long video into parts
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
742 views1 answers0 votes
Adding The Ability To Change The In and Out points
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
757 views1 answers0 votes
Video Stuck In “Making Video”
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
729 views1 answers0 votes
All of my videos disappeared?
ClosedBill Hillestad asked asked 4 years ago • 
652 views0 answers0 votes
Intros and Outros
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
730 views1 answers0 votes
why am i only able to download 2 seconds video
ClosedPhil Dafe asked asked 4 years ago • 
662 views0 answers0 votes
Subtitles getting caught off on Vertical
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
734 views1 answers0 votes
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
727 views1 answers0 votes
i cant get into my account fully
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
794 views1 answers0 votes
How to zoom in video and reposition it in clip scribe as we can move text
ClosedMuhammad Siddique asked asked 4 years ago • 
769 views0 answers-1 votes
Captions cutting off once made and downloaded
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
854 views2 answers0 votes
How do I post to IG from Mac?
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
856 views1 answers0 votes
Question on two videos needing the same captions
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
836 views1 answers0 votes
Speed of service
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
836 views2 answers0 votes
How I can differentiate between my subtitles and the person I am interviewing?
ClosedCraig answered asked 4 years ago • 
737 views1 answers0 votes